Wyvern Media publishes a wide range of subjects for several different authors and private clients. We currently only sell Historical Publications directly via our shop, but all of our publications are available via other stockists, such as Amazon.

It is our ethos to treat authors, illustrators and contributors fairly. In line with this our general principles are:

Normally copyright on all content would remain solely with the author, we normally only ask for the right to publish the edition that we produce. For commercial sales we will generally fund all production costs and reimburse ourselves from sales.

We handle all primary marketing. Our ISBN allocations are automatically listed on Amazon and all the major distributors (in fact all book shops) and we have contact directly into Bowkers and specialist listings. As well as direct and third-party listings we have outlets for specialist retailers, together with direct marketing at Events.

In the main we are totally happy for the author to be in control of all major design points and content. Our approach is to offer design assistance and services to those that do not know the potentials or have the abilities. We only influence design and contact through production practicalities and editorial input.

Our approach can be summarised as follows:

  1. We publish well-designed books with applicable and excellent content that will be relevant for many years
  2. We support authors, designers, contributors by:
    • Funding the production of the publication where possible and practical
    • Ensuring that rights and copyright are retained by them
    • Marketing the publication
    • Paying royalties on sales at the agreed rates and periods
  1. We do not make any publication or production alterations without consultation and mutual consent

If you have a publication or the idea for a publication that you would like us to publish then please contact us.