The Longsword of Johannes Liechtenauer, Part 1
Historic sword fighting with the long or "hand-and-a-half" sword according to the teachings of the medieval fencing master, Johannes Liechtenauer. The highly-effective fighting techniques and principles of this art have been reconstructed from ancient documents and are now available for everyone. A valuable treasure trove for everyone interested in historic sword fighting techniques.
- Overview of historical background/theory
- General basics of historic sword fighting
- Footwork
- "Huten" or basic positions
- Basic strokes with the longsword
- The five "master strokes" for the longsword
- Advanced techniques
- Drills and exercises
Alexander Kiermayer: Historic sword fighting teacher. Long-term teaching experience in various Asian martial arts. Licensed trainer. Police trainer.
Hans Heim: Historic sword fighting teacher. Chairman of the "Ochs - Historische Kampfkunste" Association. Long-term experience in martial arts from the Philippines.
Running Time: approx. 90 minutes
Format: PAL 4:3 (English)
Region: Region 0 (codefree)
ISBN: 978-3-9316162-5-0
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